Non Surgical Face Lifting

Lifting & Tightening

As we age, our bodies naturally produce less collagen, which can lead to common concerns like loose skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. Fortunately, there are effective non-surgical options available for facial rejuvenation, such as high-frequency lifting treatment and HIFU treatment. These treatments not only enhance skin elasticity but also stimulate the generation of new collagen, resulting in a more youthful, firmer, and radiant complexion.

You can typically begin to see these improvements in your skin's natural elasticity and firmness within one to two months, leading to an overall enhancement in the appearance and texture of your skin.

Sylfirm X

The premium Sylfirm X RF microneedle treatment provides precise depth adjustments, delivering high-frequency heat energy directly to the targeted skin layer, personalized to your specific condition and symptoms. This RF microneedling procedure is designed to address abnormal blood vessels associated with conditions like melasma, rosacea, skin discolorations, acne, and acne scars.

During the Sylfirm X treatment, high-frequency electricity is precisely directed to the micro needle’s tip, delivering it directly to the dermis layer. This approach minimizes the risk of damage to the outer skin layer (epidermis) while ensuring highly effective deep energy treatment. Consequently, the treatment is remarkably successful in achieving the desired results.

Sylfirm X treatment minimizes the risk of damage to the outer skin layer while ensuring highly effective deep energy treatment.


Improves Skin Laxity
Improves Vascular Pigmentation
Minimizes the Appearance of Scars
Improves Skin Texture and Tone
Improves Overall Skin Appearance
Treatment Duration
Around 1.5 hours (including numbing cream application time)
Recommended Treatment Frequency
Every 3 to 4 weeks
Your face might stay red for 1 or 2 days. We suggest not applying makeup and avoiding sun exposure

Pre/Post Treatment

Avoid applying makeup or visiting saunas on the day of the procedure.
Redness may occur but typically fades within a few days.
Avoid using skincare products that contain irritating moisturizers, AHA / BHA, and retinol ingredients for approximately one week after the procedure.


High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound energy is applied simultaneously to the dermal layer, responsible for sagging, as well as the deeper fat layer and fascial layer (SMAS).

This treatment is great for those worried about sagging cheeks, a double chin, or overall skin sagging and contour. Combining it with RF treatment and HIFU lifting treatment boosts its effectiveness even more.

This treatment is great for those worried about sagging cheeks, a double chin, or overall skin sagging and contour.


lifts and tightens the skin
Jowl lines lift
Double chin lift
Reduce wrinkles and fine lines
Targets the 'V' line formation
Brow lift
Treatment Duration
Around 1 hour (including numbing cream application time)
Recommended Treatment Frequency
Every 4 weeks (expanded to 6 months after 3 to 4 treatments)
Minimal Downtime

Pre/Post Treatment

Avoid saunas, steam rooms, and alcohol for approximately one week.
You can apply makeup and wash your face right after the treatment.
Redness may occur but typically fades within a few days.