Co2 Laser Removal

Moles/Warts/Milia Removal

This laser is safe and precise, targeting the affected area with a 10.600nm wavelength.

Co2 Laser Removal treatment

This laser is safe and precise, targeting the affected area with a 10.600nm wavelength. It’s advantageous because it usually doesn’t cause bleeding, provides good lesion removal results, and has a low recurrence rate.

However, there can be side effects like Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), scarring, due to skin damage, depending on the procedure.

Therefore, it’s crucial to have a thorough consultation and be aware of precautions before the treatment.

After the procedure, scabs can form, and they typically take about 10 days to naturally fall off.

This laser provides good lesion removal results, and has a low recurrence rate.

Co2 Laser Removal that can be treated:


Skin tags
Flat warts
Age spots
Scar removal


Skin tags
Flat warts
Age spots
Scar removal


No More Itching
No Scarring
Easy Procedure
Prevents Wart From Spreading
Treatment Duration
Around 10 minutes (excluding numbing cream application).
Recommended Treatment Frequency
If needed, you can have another treatment, but wait until your skin has fully healed, which typically takes about 2 months.
Treatment Pain Level
We check for allergies before using skin numbing cream to minimize any discomfort during the procedure.
Recovery Time
After the procedure, a scab forms, and it usually takes 7 to 10 days to heal.

Pre/Post Treatment

Avoid drinking and smoking for one week after the procedure.
Avoid saunas and intense exercise for a few days following the procedure.
After the procedure, don't use scrubs or peeling treatments for a while.
Focus on staying well-hydrated and using moisturizers to support healing.
On the day of the procedure, avoid applying makeup.