Facial Skincare & Massage

Skin Care / Spa

Facial skincare and massage is a combination of skincare techniques and facial massages aimed at improving the health and appearance of the skin on the face. This practice involves cleansing, moisturizing, and treating the skin, along with gentle massaging to promote relaxation and blood circulation, ultimately enhancing the skin's vitality and overall well-being.

Soothing / Hydration Skin Care

This skincare program is designed for dry and sensitive skin that reacts easily to minor irritations. It helps balance the oil and moisture levels in tired, dead skin cells. By providing ample moisture, it revitalizes and promotes healthy skin.

By providing ample moisture, it revitalizes and promotes healthy skin.
Lymphatic Massage boosts lymph flow, facilitating the removal of waste and toxins from the body

Lymphatic Massage for Edema

Lymphatic massage involves gentle pressure and movements to activate the lymphatic system. This boosts lymph flow, facilitating the removal of waste and toxins from the body. It can aid in reducing facial swelling, enhancing blood circulation, increasing oxygen supply, and improving skin tone and texture.

Acne Care

Acne can have various causes, so treatments vary. It’s important to get the right treatment for your skin.

If you need extraction treatment, getting it done by a professional can prevent scarring. We use sterilized extraction tools and needles to perform professional extractions with the right pressure. Additionally, we use medical aesthetic products that aid in improving acne.

It's important to get the right treatment for your skin.
We provide quick care for both your face and body.

Premium Bride and Groom

In the lead-up to a wedding or significant event, your skin can become sensitive. Many people also experience tension and stiffness in their neck, shoulders, and back. We provide quick care for both your face and body, aiming to make you a more beautiful bride or groom. Our skin care is customized to your specific skin condition.